“Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.”
Titus 2:3-5

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Learn to cook!

by Proverb 31 Woman!

If you are not a good cook or do not know how to cook at all, take lessons! It's true: "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!"

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


By Mizpah

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
Proverbs 17:22

Real Life:
Two of my long-time resolutions that never got to be done are losing weight and getting into a regular exercise regimen. To date, they are just mirages as they stay on my list forever hoping that the next morning I wake up, I can say, “This is it! I’m on!”

Well, one good thing about being 40 up is that you get to loosen up on yourself! Not that I’ve given up hoping on having a 26 inch waistline, flat abs and tipping the weighing scale with 100 lbs. But the Lord surely must have known how lofty this dream may be for me, He showed me something!

Would you believe that I was having a good amount of exercise everyday? In Dr. Don Colbert’s article on “The Miraculous Medicine of Laughter”, he wrote that according to Dr. William Fry, Jr., who has spent thirty years or so in his study on the healing power of laughter and humor compares laughter to a good aerobic exercise. He said that laughter ventilates the lungs and leaves the muscles, nerves and heart warm and relaxed-the same benefits provided by aerobic exercise. It temporarily accelerates the heart rate, increases blood pressure and breathing, enlarges circulation and enhances the flow of oxygen in and out of the body. Laughing 100 to 200 times a day is equivalent to ten minutes of rowing or jogging. Belly laughter is the most therapeutic form of laughter and do you know that ten belly laughs are roughly equivalent to thirty minutes of aerobic exercise?

To add to that, it raises the level of our “feel good” hormone and “growth” hormone. I think I have to laugh some more as the latter hormone has not been activated in me yet! As what the Word of God tells us, “a merry heart does us good like medicine.” It also has been proven to lower blood pressure and produce overall improved health.

Healthy laughter is an expression of delight and joy that springs forth from a sense of well-being and peace. Only those who have known the peace that surpasses all understanding will be able to laugh like this! Only those who have known that they have a Father who is in charge of every detail of their lives can laugh at the days to come.

Life is so short to be lived with heavy hearts and down-cast souls. Let’s not take this life so seriously. This world ain’t getting better, guys! This world wants to bury us alive and eat us up everyday. But it can’t because we have a God who stands and fights for us! So, let’s make a daily, conscious choice to be thankful and enjoy life to the fullest. Let’s laugh out loud!

Praise God for the joy and laughter He has blessed me with! Ummm…I have long been in a regular exercise regimen after all.

I’ll try and ask God if He has an alternative to losing weight. I’m sure He has one!

To Ponder upon:
If you must take an inventory of yourself each day, will the attitude of gratitude outweigh your complaints? Will good words for others overflow more than tearing them down? Will kindness overtake your self-centeredness? Here’s something to think about. A good, pure, hearty laughter can only come from a heart that is at peace with God, with others, and with one’s self.

Father, thank you for the gift of laughter. Thank you that truly no money can buy the times when you make us laugh till our belly hurts. Troubles may be many but thank you for those memories that never fail to bring a smile on our faces as we bring to mind your goodness and faithfulness in our lives. Lord, you are so good! In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

Read more on laughter:


Featured Article this week

by Crown of Beauty

Many people love this time of the year, and I do, too. For me, this is a season filled with meaning. But I find spring to be just as beautiful, and as meaningful. For me they are twin seasons: spring completes what autumn begins.

I have gone through autumn seasons time and again. It is a recurring theme in my life. I suppose that the wise Father knows what is best.

When I was just a new Christian in early 1974, I remember praying this to Him, "Lord, I don't want to be a half-baked, mediocre born-again child of Yours. I want to follow after You whole-heartedly. Whatever You want for me, I want it all and nothing less; and whatever You don't want for me, I don't want it either."

And so it has been that through the years of my Christian life, I can see that God has continually brought me answers to this prayer. Autumns that I have gone through in my life were stripping seasons -- just like leaves falling, one by one, until the tree was bare. And in the autumns of my life, the stripping process has never been easy.

Fall brings with it a certain melancholy air, because it is a reminder of dying. In the stripping seasons I have felt like being put in a back burner, like meat simmering unnoticed until tender. Well, in fact that is what is happening inside of me. God is answering my prayer that my heart be made tender for the things that really matter to Him.

Then comes the winter, a seeming death of all that one had hoped for -- but I have come to understand that in winter there is actually so much life pulsating underneath that cold blanket of stillness. Everything is a preparation for spring. It is in spring when all of a sudden life bursts forth.

Indeed, it is true, there is life out of death. Without dying there is no living, without autumn there is no room for the newness of life that spring brings. Without us being stripped of human pride, there is no room for heaven's humility. Without humility, one's heart is full, and there is no room for the fresh, life-giving touch of God.

Yes, my autumn seasons have been humbling seasons when God scrapes off my rough edges, to reveal in my spring seasons, the real beauty hidden beneath the surface.

So, painful as it is, I can only accept the pruning process from my heavenly Father. I am a gardener and I only know this too well. Pruning cuts back unwanted growth, and sometimes, even the fair blossoms must fall. What seems a seeming waste to the untrained onlooker, to the expert husbandman, the Divine Gardener, is an act of grace.
Life has not been all that I have wanted or expected it to be, but through it all one thing has been constant, God has been there for me. Pruning, yes, but also giving life. Time and again, God has graced my life with His surprise visits.

I am praying for you dear friend, as the autumn comes to an end, and winter sets in, that all the things that have been seeming losses to you will come back to you in the springtime of your life. You may not have spoken much to me about your life, but I do understand some of your pain, and somehow I also feel that there are still many unshed tears inside your heart...

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is that passage in Joel: "I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten." It speaks powerfully to me, and I pray that it will speak to you as well.

Thanksgiving is a special autumn feast. A time to thank God for the harvest, a time to declare His faithfulness. May you find yourself celebrating the autumn seasons of your life, embracing the pain, preparing yourself for the promise of spring that is just around the corner.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Significant Other

by $aMsUng

I love late nights while he starts his day at 6am, just when I’m about halfway through my sleep. With the aid of two electronic pills, the PBA and World Series Golf Tournaments, he’s dead to the world around 10pm. Me? I’m partial to waking up at noon, in time for lunch. He’s a mall rat…I’m not! I like going out-of-town, go to the beach or up the mountains, breathe in some fresh air. His idea of relaxation is none other than malling or having a cup of coffee at any place comfy. And I don’t drink coffee, I prefer tea… although warm water would suit me just fine. I can hang around the house all day long… read, watch television or play computer games. He could only stay home if I tied him to our bed. Too bad we don’t have bed posts. I enjoy traveling, seeing more of the world… and here’s the tricky part, now he prefers staying home!!! And they say women are hard to understand???

Sometimes I wonder why the Lord has brought us together. But despite our differences, there is that spark of passion (once upon a time), love and affection for each other. We both pursue different interests, but at the end of the day, we’re together (albeit one asleep, one awake). He’s a health nut, while I adore everything that’s absolutely bad for the health! And for that I get a series of sermonettes, which oftentimes makes me feel I married a preacher.

I’m the don’t-care about physical wellness type…and he looks after me. He’s pretty much an independent guy, does his own grocery shopping, but remembers to buy me yogurt, crackers and low calorie, sugar-free drinks every now and then. He gets hopping mad when I gorge myself with junk food. I start a program and when I’m not around to finish it, he picks up the tab, no questions asked.

He’s still the loving, compassionate, giving and caring man that attracted me to him in the first place. Of course, to point out that one could practically smell him a mile away also factored it. I am the coffeemate to his coffee, he is the honey to my tea. Dissimilar in so many ways… but we blend well together. He fits me like an old and snug favorite shoe. He is my anchor and in his arms I find my haven. He is very supportive of me, I cannot imagine life without him.

Now that’s the most unromantic portrayal of a blissful marriage one could ever write about (certainly, it’s blissful because we’re not together 24/7, otherwise we’d be squabbling over every little thing), but there are some things done in private that are better left unsaid...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Revelations Part III

by (JSL) Proverbs 31 Woman!


"I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
and he turned to me and heard my cry."
Psalm 40:1

Bible Passage
: Psalm 40:12-31

Real Life:
God engraved three major words in my heart: HUMILITY, WISDOM, and now, WAIT.

The words in Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, they run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind.”

The magnificent, all-knowing God, bestowed to me the “wisdom” of “waiting” upon Him in my “humble” state. In reference, it is one of the most fascinating lessons in Isaiah 49:8, “This is what the Lord says: “In the time of my favor I will answer you, and in the day of salvation I will help you.” Isn’t this a wonderful promise? In no uncertain terms, God affirms the fact that he will answer and will help his people. But notice carefully the time slot for his help and answers: “in the time of my favor…. and in the day of salvation.” God has a designated time when his promise will be fulfilled and the prayer will be answered. It is a “day or moment” that he knows is best for the help to arrive and the deliverance to be accomplished.

And I wonder why God sighted the eagle as an illustration at the end of the verse. So with much curiousity, I made some research about this “magnificent” creature in the internet.

The eagle, known as the masters of the sky, represent a striking illustration of strength and courage. An eagle may have a wingspan ranges from 72 to 85 inches. Its wings are long and broad making them effective for soaring. Soaring is accomplished with very little wing-flapping, enabling them to conserve energy. An eagle’s tail is very important for flight and maneuvering. While the eagle is soaring or gliding in flight, the tail feathers are spread in order to attain the largest surface area and increase the effect of thermals to fly up and high. (http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/eagles/masters.html)

What an astounding representation! Our difficult situations are not hidden from God, nor are we being disregarded because we don’t yet see the answer. Furthermore, we don’t have to give in to unbelief because God gives “power to the weak.” But one thing I’m very sure of. When the time of favor comes for the fulfillment of His promises, it will flow, effortless! I will mount my wings and soar casually like an eagle and fly in the horizon wherever the hand of the Lord leads me.

To Ponder upon:
What is your strength? Is it your youth? ... your conditioning? ... your wisdom? ... your friends? ... your experience?… your material resources? None of us can depend upon our human ability. Health, wisdom, and wealth are all vulnerable to the fragility of life and circumstance. Only the LORD can ensure that we can survive the unthinkable, thrive in the mundane, and soar in good times. Let's call upon, let's wait upon, let's depend upon the LORD and soar effortless like an eagle!

My Lord, my first love, thank you for sustaining me through the hard times in my life. Thank you for helping me soar, doing things for you that I never dreamed I could accomplish. Father, thank you for blessing me during the everyday comings and goings of life. I depend upon you for help and strength. For every good thing in my life I praise you and thank you. In Jesus' name I pray. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Revelations IV coming soon.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Traffic Light

Weekend Featured Article
by Mizpah

“This day… I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life…”
Deut. 30:19-20

Real Life:
Our house is approximately 35 minutes away from the place I work. Ever since we moved to our new residence four years ago, I knew that if I wanted to get to my work at 8:00 in the morning, I have to be on the road at 7:15. Any slight deviation would mean I’d be late.

I once read a saying which goes, “Insanity means doing the same thing all over and over again yet expecting a different result each time.” Well, I may refuse to admit it but that just describes my plight almost every morning.
Fully aware of my time constraint and donned with my fresh resolve each morning to do it right, guess what? I still end up leaving the house at quarter to eight. With all my nerves wrung with stress, I would still hope that I’ll get there on time. Of course, I would always be late. Subjected to this self-inflicted irritant, I just can’t seem to correct it! Now what would you call that?

To add to that, here’s something I noticed! From Monday to Friday, I travel the same route and I would pass by 4 traffic lights. Believe me and call it coincidence! Eighteen out of twenty lights would be RED and that meant staying on the road for another minute or so for every red light. The last one I timed took almost three minutes. I would imagine the traffic light saying, “she’s coming, I’ll turn red!” I think those red lights were picking on me! I would look at it with irritation and impatience seething from my eyes. I lose!

Accepting my defeat, this got me to think about my regular morning bouts. What’s the problem? Where is the problem? Of course, I know the problem! It’s me and my inability to choose the right thing I know I should do and continue to do the wrong I know I shouldn’t do! If this is what INSANITY is all about, I think I fit in the description!

This I realized. For the few times that I would be able to make it on time, I remembered that I enjoyed the long trip. I love looking at other cars pass by. I relish sharing a thought or two with God. I would look at the people walking on the road. I did not mind traffic lights. And if ever I did look at them, I thought they were always GREEN and if at times they’d be RED, I wait ! After a little while, I’ve reached my destination. I was on time. I made it!

So, then what’s with traffic lights? Well, I think this is how I am with God. Many times, I find myself doing the same things that I know would bring me the same difficulties. I know fully well that I will be reaping the same consequences if I continue to insist on doing them all over again. Yet, I do it! Passing through the RED lights God would afford me on the road of life, I would look at them with disdain and find myself going straight ahead until I get to the place of my stubbornness. I lose!

The times when I would obey God, I walk through the day as it unfolds before me with peace and joy. I would look at life with a GREEN light of God’s presence, power and provision. I seem just to glide through it. If at any point I may see a RED light, I can stop, sit down, and wait until the light turns green again! And on my feet I go. I made it!

Action Step:
As you wake up each morning and move on to the minutes of the day, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the areas of your life that seem to continuously bring you down. They might be a product of your own stubbornness. Move out of that insanity and move out quick!

The road of life may be bumpy at times but when you’re traveling with God , you’ll enjoy the ride whatever the traffic light may be. RED or GREEN, YOU WIN!

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the destination you have prepared for me. As I journey each day, I pray that your light will always be before me to guide me and hold me and bring me back in case I stray. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A chat with God

by proverbs 31 woman!

An excerpt from my journal dated 17 June 2004........

me: “Dear Lord, living a life of faith must be tough! How much faith is required?”

Him: “Just plain obedience.”

me: "Wow, Lord, that simple? How about a faith that can move mountains? Now, that’s a lot of faith!”

Him: “Not really, just plain obedience. Start by obeying simple, small truths. That’s all.”

me: "What else, God?"

Him: “Trust Me.”

me: "Trust and total surrender, even if I have to do it 50 times a day?”

Him: "Yes, even more than 50 times a day, if needed, my child. It’s trusting one breath at a time.”

me: "Lord, I trust you but I’m wiped out! …. just as David in the Scriptures said."

Him: “My grace is sufficient for you.”

me: “.... so that's Faith ....So be it, Lord. Amen.”


by Mizpah

"I'LL BE THERE" 3 little words that will renew your love and friendship. Just being able to say these to your spouse anytime he needs you is one of the greatest affirmation we can convey. It's just being able to find time for him in the middle of your very busy schedule and stop what you're doing to be with him! Being there in good times...in bad times is worth the investment!

Sunday, January 20, 2008


by $aMsUng

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror,
and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
Well, she said, 'I think I'll braid my hair today?' So she did and she had a wonderful day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.
'H-M-M,' she said, 'I think I'll part my hair down the middle today?' So she did and she had a grand day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.
'Well,' she said, 'today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail.' So she did and she had a fun, fun day.
The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.
'YEA!' she exclaimed,'I don't have to fix my hair today!'
Attitude is everything.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Live simply,
Love generously,
Care deeply,
Speak kindly,
Leave the rest to God.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain!!!

This woman certainly had a severe case of hair loss. Only three lustrous strands of hair on her head? Bet you she’s never had a bad hair day! From three to none…and still be able to exhibit glorious and fun days, is she for real???

Ever thought about going bald? Some men actually think it makes them more distinguished-looking (PLEASE, somebody tell them it simply makes them look...OLD!) For clarification, there’s close-cropped, which is the trend nowadays, and there’s the shiny bald. Hair loss is no laughing matter, so go get help…call (02) 892-HAIR. Ask for Svenson.

But the ladies, well, well, now that’s different, their mane is their crowning glory… take it away and you’d find them on bended knees and uplift arms praying, “Lord, take me, right this moment!” Losing one’s hair is like losing a limb.

It happened to me, so here’s my sob story.

What an experience having cancer is. Wouldn’t have chosen it on the menu of health struggles as I am one of those who wants to live to be a hundred. I knew chemotherapy would cost me my beautiful hair, but nothing ever prepared me for the huge chunks that fall off every time I shampooed. Finally, with more bald spots on my head than hair, I opted to shave it all off. I thought I looked quite voguish with my cap or bandanna until one day my sister’s friend mistook me for a boy. I was also all skin and bones then but that’s no excuse for her oversight! I wanted to tell her to get new glasses… I was even willing to shell out money for it!!! But being the tactful person that I am, I just prayed, “Lord, please forgive her for her poor eyesight.”

Diseases can be our spiritual flat tire – what may seem to be disasters at the time may end up redirecting our lives in a meaningful way. The miracles of my past are the strengths of my future. I am who and what I am today because of what I’ve been through. To all the people, especially my family and good friends, who have supported me and prayed for me, much thanks from the deepest corner of my heart. This is one side effect that I most sincerely welcome, connecting with incredibly beautiful people. This happened to me 12 years ago, and I am happy to say that by the grace of God, I am clean.

And I got my hair back!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Revelations – Part II

by JSL - Proverbs 31 Woman!

Sir Edmund Hillary


When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
Proverbs 15:33

Bible Passage: Proverbs 15

Real Life:
Last Friday broke the news of Sir Edmund Hillary passing away at 88. A man who lived in relative obscurity as a beekeeper in Auckland, New Zealand. But the unprecedented feat of scaling the world's highest mountain brought him a fame he could hardly have imagined. He conquered Mount Everest and the South Pole and captured the world’s imagination. He led expeditions to the South Pole and other remote corners of the earth, but he returned often to the mountains of Nepal, the scene of his greatest triumph. Sir Edmund Hillary dedicated much of his long life to environmental causes and to humanitarian efforts on behalf of the Nepalese people. More than half a century after his most famous feat, his fame remained undimmed. His name has become a byword for courage, endurance and great humility. Read about it here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/siredmundhillarytopoftheworld;_ylt=AtFek0ktuEpXUdE0S1XQqutvaA8F

Simon Robinson of TIME magazine wrote about him, and I quote: “Once, while resting on a rock during a short trek in Nepal with friend and film director Michael Dillon, an American walker stopped and showed Hillary how to hold an ice-axe. “Hillary listened and thanked him, but said nothing else,” remembers Dillon. "The American went away without any idea whom he had spoken to. The first man to stand on top of the world didn't see himself as a hero. Others always will.”

I admire this man. The more I read about him, the more I desired of his humility.

I was once full of myself. I was too engrossed with my achievements and fetes in nursing school that I thought I was in control of my life. I determined my days. I decided what I was to do today, tomorrow and a year from now. I became too busy that I forgot what God thought about what I was doing and where I was going. But because God gave me free will, he allowed me to go my own way. And because He cared for me, He had to stop me before I went too far. Maybe this was why He allowed me to fail the local nursing exams.

I found myself destined for God’s appointed “desert” experience where I could humble myself and receive from Him. I was dry, weary and heavily laden. In this “desert” I saw myself as prideful, fearful, and resentful.

I knelt and wept before the feet of Jesus and surrendered and repented of my transgression before His very throne. Then I sensed God’s touch, forgiveness and magnificent restorative grace through these powerful verses:

- He is Able - Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”
- Fear not- Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
- He loves me1John 4:16 “And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.”

At that point, I knew that the One who allowed that difficulty is the One who loves me more than anyone else does in the whole universe. No, I may not understand the state of affairs, but I know He loves me….. deeply.

Action Step:
Stop. Drop everything. Be still and know that He is God.

My Lord, I only need a flicker in this dark world enough for me to hold on to Your perfect promises. I want to stay close to you in the dark for You are my light of life so I will not stumble or fall. Amen.

Part III coming soon.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Featured Article of the Week by
Crown of Beauty

Wat Phan Tao. Chiang Mai, Thailand

A few months before 2007 ended, Ernie and I arrived in Chiang Mai, to fulfill a one year work contract with Maejo University, an agricultural state university located in northern Thailand. Ernie accepted the position in early August, and by month’s end, he had packed his bags and boarded his flight. I was to follow him a month later.

Everything happened so fast. Indeed it was a sudden move, and a major one at that. But I can’t say that I wasn’t prepared for it. One early morning in March or April 0f 2007, as I was spending time with the Lord, a thought cut across my consciousness and the impression I received was that a big change was coming into my life after September 15 of this year. I was to prepare for a new assignment.

Little did I know that it would involve leaving behind my children, my friends and loved ones, my home, my culture, my homeland, my comfort zone. It would mean leaving my immediate plans midstream, and setting aside projects long before they were completed. It wasn't an easy assignment to accept, but it was a step of obedience that I needed to take.

Ernie had already been here a month when I arrived, and for that I am thankful. When he met me at the Chiang Mai International Airport , it was a much awaited reunion for us. And when we reached the university flat that was to be our home while we were here, it felt like a homecoming of sorts.

However, in a real sense, my being in this new country allowed me to experience what it means to be a citizen of another country living as a foreigner in a strange land. There are very many things that my Father in heaven has been teaching me about this, first hand.

My mindset is that we will only be here a year, so we make sure that we never buy anything we don’t need. After Ernie's bad experience of paying a huge amount for excess baggage upon checking in for his flight to Bangkok , we both decided that we will not have any excess baggage going back. We only bought a small stove, a small rice-cooker, one reading lamp, and one lounging chair for our living room. For the kitchen, one frying pan, a sauce pan, 4 dinner plates, a few spoons and forks... were all that we needed. Just the basics, and the essentials. And all of these we can leave behind when it is time for us to go.

Though it is very beautiful here, the people are kind and friendly, and the food so delicious and amazingly cheap... our longing for home never leaves our hearts. We do our daily work heartily, but we often find ourselves thinking of home.

There are many things that cannot really be expressed in words. But the long and the short of it is that in the few months that we have been here, we have already adjusted to a simple, uncomplicated and uncluttered lifestyle.

And I really find myself enjoying this kind of life. Once again, I have entered a new season of living in a higher dimension. Somehow, being here has helped me look at life here on earth from a different perspective. Often I am reminded that I am not a citizen of this world, I am a citizen of another Kingdom. Seeing how the Thai people love and revere their king, I have come to love and revere my King in a deeper way. It is often tempting to buy many beautiful things here, but when I think of how difficult it will be to transport them as the maximum baggage allowance I’m entitled to is only 20 kilos... never mind. I tell myself have more than enough, and I am content with what I already have.

I have been aware even in the past few years that I am here on earth to fulfill a kingdom purpose. Nevertheless, a part of me is also often focused on looking at my problems and life issues, and working toward finding solutions for them. I have to admit that for the most part of my life, I have also focused on realizing a number of my life goals and life dreams.

But even before my coming to Thailand, God had already begun speaking to me about my real Kingdom purpose. Life isn’t really about me, what Oswarld Chambers calls “self-realization” or “self-consciousness.” It has been a delightful experience finding out that this life is really only about one thing: it is God-realization, a moving closer to the God dreams that God has deposited in me.

Being far removed from the usual activities that have filled my time while I was still in the Philippines , I have understood this more clearly. My life on earth has real meaning if I align myself with the plans and purposes that my Father has for me. I once heard my heavenly Father ask me, “Is your life only about having your dreams fulfilled about your home, your children, your career, your ministries, your relationships, your plans for your present as well as for your future? Is your life only meaningful if you have your problems solved?” I was struck by this. For the obvious answer was that finding resolutions to my life issues did not always mean being drawn closer to the heart of God. On the contrary, it was quite possible that the two were moving in opposite directions!

And ever since that realization, I have been given understanding as to why Jesus, at 12 years old, knew that He had to be about His father’s business while He was on earth.

And so, time and again, I have been asking God to give me this kind of heart – where my life is not about me... but about Him. About His kingdom reign. About His Kingdom authority.

Being here has often made me homesick... homesick for my home, homesick for my loved ones, homesick for my own language and culture. Homesick for the familiar and warm comfort of my own homeland.

This country is not my home. And yes, this world is not my home. This world is not our home. Nothing in this world will completely satisfy or fulfill. Deep inside each one of us is a sadness that this world cannot heal. It is a kind of heavenly homesickness... a longing to walk in kingdom authority, a longing to be about our Father’s business. A longing to do that for which we have been created. A longing to build his Kingdom, not our own. And ... it is a longing for our true home, Heaven.

I once read somewhere that when we reach Heaven, it will not be a strange place for us, we will not feel like we’re entering it for the first time. It will be like ... coming home.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tell him it's okay

by Proverbs 31 Woman

You will forget your misery; it will be like water flowing away.
Job 11:16

When he makes a mistake, tell him it is okay. Never fuss and criticize. You will only drive him away. You are responsible for your actions and reactions, so make sure they are loving, compassionate, and understanding.

Left over Adobo

by JSL- Proverbs 31 Woman!
This is called Pinitaw. I'm sure you are familiar with this. Originally, it is made of shredded chicken flakes, seasoned and sauteed until dry and flaky. I make mine from left over adobo. All I do is rip up the adobo into small pieces, saute continuously on hot skillet until it appears dry, flaky and resembles into hair-like appearance. I use it to top my green salad, rice, some pasta dishes and with just plain buttered french toast. Try it! It's something that melts in your mouth!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


by Mizpah
“He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart.”
Ecclesiastes 5:20

2007 was a year of confrontation with I, me and myself. The diversity of circumstances God showered my way did much of its part to surprise me and forced me to come to terms with who I really was and what stuff I was really made of.

Unexpected tremors and rumblings stripped me of the flimsy and volatile covering I had so long tried to cover myself with. Hot flushes, a quarterly menstrual period, hyperventilation, hypertension, the discovery of a more pronounced “missing” waistline, larger skin pores, not to mention inability to refuse sleep at 9:00 in the evening , and sipping my first cup of coffee at 3:00 in the morning were among the highlights of last year. And my clincher was checking out of Riverside Medical Center on December 31 after a five-day admission, gulping down thirteen bottles of dextrose when “amoebiasis” got me down.

Is this it? Am I in it? I never imagined that it included these! “Not in one clump, Lord! YES, YOU ARE! relentlessly resonated in every crevice of my heart.

The process of acceptance came a little bit slow but thank God, it did!

Come to think of it…honestly, and I mean, really honestly, I think I’m beginning to like the new “me” now. I never imagined that this liberation would bring me to the real “me”, the more secure “me” , and yes, the freed “me”!

When my sister-in-law forwarded this article to me, I can’t help but chuckle. Oh, yeah! Right on!

Old Age, I decided, is a gift.

I am now, probably for the first time in my life, the person I have always wanted to be. Oh, not my body! I sometime despair over my body, the wrinkles, the baggy eyes, and the sagging butt. And often I am taken aback by that old person that lives in my mirror (who looks like my mother!), but I don't agonize over those things for long.

I would never trade my amazing friends, my wonderful life, my loving family for less gray hair or a flatter belly. As I've aged, I've become more kind to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend.I don't chide myself for eating that extra cookie, or for not making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I didn't need, but looks so avante garde on my patio. I am entitled to a treat, to be messy, to be extravagant.

I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging. Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM and sleep until noon?

I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60&70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love ... I will.

I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set.

They, too, will get old.

I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important things.

Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect.

I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver.

As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore. I've even earned the right to be wrong.

So, to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day. (If I feel like it)


(name of author not included)

Where are you right now in your life? Have you been going through some stripping lately? Give yourself some time and embrace the changes God is doing in your life and you will surely be in for the greatest surprise of your life.

Welcome aboard, women! It’s an enjoyable trip!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Revelations – Part I

by JSL

“Then the lame shall leap like a deer,
And the tongue of the dumb sing.
For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness,
And streams in the desert.”
Isaiah 35:6

Bible Passage: Exodus 13-14

Real Life:
Pastor Joe’s sermon pierced my heart today and hit me to the very core. Everything about it was a summary of my life’s journey this past year. It ministered to me deeply that even upon this writing, I am processing and savoring the goodness of the Lord in my life.

Allow me to share with you His revelations. This may take several parts so please bear with me. My recent experiences have taught me “great and mighty” things, I often couldn’t fathom. They were revealed to me by bits and pieces, as though being nurtured, fed unhurriedly, so I could digest the very essence of His plans for my life.

Last year was probably one of the lowest times in my life. I failed the local nursing board exams and I was devastated! It was so important to me that failing meant losing the very hopes and dreams I had for my family.

I grieved as though I had never grieved in my life before. God, in His magnificent power was communing to me that very instant. I was in the desert and for a while, God led me to this part of the Bible:
- Exodus 13:2 “Consecrate yourself”
- Exodus 14:14 “You only need to be still”
- Exodus 14:15 “Move on”

Then He led me to these verses:

“He sends the springs into the valleys; they flow among the hills.” Psalm 104:10 NKJV

“7 For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, that flow out of valleys and hills; 8 a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey; 9 a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity, in which you will lack nothing; a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills you can dig copper. 10 When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the LORD your God for the good land which He has given you.” Deuteronomy 8: 7 – 10 NKJV

What a promise! Somehow, these three passages brought me peace. At this point in my life, God graciously provided me an oasis of restoration where I least expected. God assured me that no mountain is too high, no desert valley too parched, for springs of life-giving hope and strength comes flowing from an endless ocean of grace.

Action Step:
In a piece of paper or in your journal, enumerate the failures in your life. Then, opposite to that, list down God’s faithfulness and the things He has done to restore you.

My Lord, You have for me these springs and I need them everyday. Let me drink of your living water. Let me receive Him into my heart that I may never thirst and run dry wherever you lead me. Amen.

Part II coming soon.

Fresh Start


I’ve never been big on New Year’s Resolution, especially when I never keep them anyway. But this year I need to make some drastic changes in my life.

Number one: I need to wean myself off my tranqs. I’m getting to be a regular junkie…but that would literally mean sleepless nights! The best time of the day for me starts at the witching hour, no kidding! I’m a certified nocturnal creature. So what to do? I can get a job at the call center (I’d probably be calling in sick more than I’d be working. Sad to say, this body is made in China); be a security guard, I’d be so alert not even a stray cat can get past me. GRO? Need to take up ballroom dancing ala Jennifer Lopez in Shall We Dance first though. So far, those are the only options I could think of…and none of them look or sound too appealing.

Number two: Improve my badminton game. I need to be more like Jack, nimble and quick, thank goodness I don’t have to jump over a candlestick. Okay, so here are the strokes I need to improve on. My high clear which I want to stretch all the way from one end of the court to the other, powerful smashes that will intimidate my opponents, blocks and drives to counter-attack their smash; drop shots that gets them running towards all directions! I also resolve never to play ping-pong in a badminton court. But to be able do all these, I have to have my forty winks, hence the need for my unhealthy dose of vitamins hoping I’d be sleepyzzz by the time I finish posting this blog.

Maybe I’ll start New Year’s Resolution number one tomorrow or someday, but I definitely need to get some shut-eye so I can dream of my number two Resolution.

But seriously? We don’t need the New Year to make all sorts of resolutions which always remain unresolved, regardless of our good intentions. My badminton game still sucks! But I thank God that He gives us a fresh start daily. We make mistakes, we stumble and fall, but we can always get up and start anew, anytime…anywhere. With the Lord by our side, there is nothing that we cannot do. So I think my best position would be to start my day with a recommitment to the Lord, thank Him for His gift of SALVATION, freely given to anyone who chooses to accept. If there is one absolute thing in my life… it is the fact that I am a child of God and I am so blessed that He bestowed such a precious gift upon me. “Are you?”

So here’s to a great year ahead of all of us, hope it brings us nothing but good. Have a wonderful year, everyone!!! Or rather, have a wonderful everyday, everyone!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Let him go

by JSL
If your husband wants to spend time with some of his "buddies," let him go (in my case, he loves to ride his bike on weekends with his bike buddies). He needs this break too! Better yet, bake them a batch of your wonderful chocolate chip cookies. The other guys will be so envious because you are so good to your husband.

Five DON'TS when you are sleeping

contributed by: MAL

Watches can emit a certain level of radioactivity. Though small, but if you wear your watch to bed for a long time, it might have adverse effects on your health.

Putting the phone beside your bed or anywhere near you is not encouraged. Though some of us will use phones as alarm clocks, but please put the phone as far as possible. Scientists have proved that electrical items including mobile phone and television sets emit magnetic waves when used. These waves can cause disruptions to our nervous system. Therefore if you need to put your mobile phone near you, switch it off first.

People who sleep with make up might have skin problems in the long run. Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also need a much longer time to go into deep sleep.

Scientists in America have discovered those that wear bras for more than 12 hours have a higher risk of getting breast cancer. So go to bed without it.

You may never wake up again.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Future and a Hope

by JSL

Bible Passage: John 10:10-16

“I know what I am planning for you,” says the Lord. “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Real Life:
There are just so many things about life I am grateful for, and one of them is my having a “sweet” relationship with my high-school girlfriends.

I have this group which we named, IE CLIQUE. I do not remember how we came up with that name. We are a group of six beautiful, out-of-this-world women! I was always the one that made the group laugh, I recall. One of us took the role of “mother”. She was the type that lectured us whenever we did mischievous things while the other was the phlegmatic: walked slow, ate slow, and decided slow. But one thing that kept our friendship strong all these years is not just the love that we have for each other, but the fact that we're so different, we click. Ah, we have countless arguments and disagreements but that is part of it all. We forgive and forget, that’s the rule. After highschool, we went our own separate ways for college, then we all graduated with a bachelors degree, some got married, others can’t leave their little girl’s body. Yes, we met up once in a blue moon, but we were never complete. And when we are together, we rejoiced with each other’s successes and we cried at each other’s sad stories.

It is not until lately that we have started communicating seriously again. One of the most significant events that happened in this group, I believe is the good tidings from one of us. “AA” (lets just call her by that name) migrated to the USA as a nurse last year. But before that, she led a hard life, had a troubled marriage, and had undergone difficulties but God saw her through. Here’s an excerpt of her letter to me (with her permission, names are withheld for privacy):

“…The struggles and difficulties that I encountered in the USA since I first came proved to have their purposes after all. I failed my NCLEX twice...had to moved to Minnesota with my brother ‘coz I've gone over my agency's 3-month housing allowance and I can't work unless I pass the nclex exams (unlike other agencies wherein you can work as an LPN before nclex). My son and my husband had to fly over fast from the Philippines or their visas will expire. In other words, we all have to stay at my brother’s. It was difficult to live with another family… you know how it is. Conflicts surfaced along the way. It was a very hard time for us all.

I had to find work so we could get our own place. I set aside nclex for a while thinking that it was getting in the way. I thought I needed to move on without it. I have been paralyzed for long just because I had to prepare for it. It has given me a lot of pressure. No matter how prepared I am, I won't be able to make it to the test still.

I worked in the mall...in an optical shop, a global optical shop. I loved my job as an optician and sales consultant. I got to talk to a lot of people so it helped me a little bit as to how to deal with american people. My husband worked in a nursing home....as what??? As a CHEF! Well, at first he started as a server and they found out he can cook too so he got promoted. Then, we moved to our own place.

I don't know. I guess the blessings began to flow that time on. All that we have gone through….. We had to go through awful, bitter fights. We did our best to resolve them by opening the past hurts and put closure to them. I kept thinking...had I passed my test the first time and made good income-wise, we could have continued living the good life and totally shove everything that happened in the past. Past hurts would have never been resolved and dealt with.

Yup, love can happen again. In fact, it's much easier now to love again. I tell you, love is here again 'coz all that ugly part of my life no longer exists.

I went to the testing center one day in one of my work-offs without even having to tell anyone that I scheduled myself in for the nclex test, my third take. I took it and result came out good after 3 days. This was unexpected!

We all know that when things are down, there’s no other way but up, right? Then the blessings came after another. These are all His plans and purposes for me. I know He really loves me. He got me a job here, in Dialysis, just nearby and I like it a lot. My son is doing good in school and making friends too. We live in one of the most livable cities in the US.....a very conservative place...it's within the bible belt....”

The last part of her letter says she is pregnant at 40! They have been trying for more than 10 years now. Isn’t that a double portion of blessing? God works in miraculous ways!

What a story. We all have our own stories to tell. But one thing I know, God knows best. He is doing and leading us a life of success and happiness. You may not see it now but as long as we continue to believe and trust in Him, dreams will come true, according to His infinite plans for our lives.

To Ponder upon:
Do things look bleak in your life right now? Are you flooded with insecurity about the future? Just as God had a plan for His people thousands of years ago, He has a plan for you – a good, pleasing, and perfect plan. And He is trustworthy to make that plan happen in His perfect time.

Action step:
In a journal or a blank sheet of paper, write a list of nine things you would love to be part of your future. Number each of them and then write down the number “10.” Next to that, write, “Whatever God wants for me.” Commit this list to God and put it in a safe place for future reference.


I do not know what is next in my life, but God, I trust in Your love and Your promises, and believe in my heart that a bright future awaits me. Amen.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


by MAL

Real Life:
I love New Year’s Day! It always brings a promise of a better year. New Year spells HOPE for me.

As I’ve always done in the past, January 1 would find me up very early in the morning seated on my favorite spot in our dining room ready with my new devotional book, new journal for the year, and my Bible. My quiet time would always end with, “What is there for me this year, Father?”

January 1, 2007 , REST.” “Okay, Lord. What do you mean by this? Yes, I do clamor for rest but not that much. I think I’m happy with what I’m doing. Yes, I worry but they’re legitimate reasons, Lord. Anyway, though I don’t know what it is, I believe you! So, it’s REST then". I wrote on my journal...."I will set you always before me, you are at my right hand, I will never be shaken. (Psalm 16:8). This year, I will take you for your Word, God. I have to prove to myself that indeed you are worthy of my trust.”

I didn’t know God would take me seriously!

You see, I am a very good script writer. As each year begins, I already have a set role for each of my characters. The plot is ready. Calling it my vision, I see to it that my actors and actresses perform their respective parts so that my vision will come into fruition. For as long as the play was happening as scheduled and I was on top of things, I was perfectly alright. For as long as they were all performing according to my prescribed script, I was okay. For as long as they were inside my tightly clenched fists, I was okay! Sensing a disruption here and there, I instantaneously rise to my feet and simply figure out how I can put it back the way I want to. I am at peace…or so I thought…

No one but God knew that in my innermost part, I was always afraid of losing grip. God knew that my props have to be knocked out from beneath my feet. He knew that REST will always elude me as I continued to hold on to these . He knew that I will never be happy and free unless I stop directing my life and other people’s lives. Little by little, he took them out from my hands. Painful as it was, I never realized how relieved I was! August 8, 2007, I wrote: “Effective today, Lord, I am resigning from my appointed role. I am turning over to you the rightful directorship of this play. I’m out of this, Lord!” That day, I received my REST, just as God promised me.

As 2008 unfolds before me, I can never thank God enough for my 2007 journey. When I find myself tempted to write a new script again, Ooops…I have resigned already! God has done a most perfect job and I cannot ask for more!

Lord, thank you very much for this experience. May we always remember that when you require something from us, it is never meant to harm us but to make us know that only when we allow you to do as you please in us, will we be most secure and free. Thank you Lord that when you strip us, you want to sustain us. Give me a trusting heart everyday. In Christ’s Name I pray, Amen.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sweet Onion and Tomato Salad

from Jenny's Kitchen

Try this very easy salad a few hours before it is served.

4 large bulbs of sweet onion, sliced
varieties of salad greens
cubed cucumbers
a cupful of cherry or regular tomatoes (sliced or whole for the cherries)
balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper
grated parmesan cheese
optional: slices of apples and a bunch of seedless grapes

Prepare the green salad and arrange in a large salad bowl. Set this aside.
Slice the large onions and sliced tomatoes. Spread unto baking sheet with a generous amount of balsamic vinegar, salt and freshly cracked pepper. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Take out the baked onions and tomatoes and let it cool for a little while. Dump all of the baked onions with the remaining balsamic vinegar on top of the green salad. Add in a dash of salt and freshly cracked pepper. You may add in some sliced apples and grapes for color and extra sweetness to the salad.

Chill in the ref. Toss the salad just before serving and sprinkle a generous amount of parmesan cheese and freshly cracked pepper. Enjoy!

Join him instead

by Proverbs 31 woman

If your husband likes sports, (and what husband doesn’t?) go to a football, basketball, or a motor ride with him sometime. You’ll never know, it will become your favorite too!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Make a list

Constantly remind your husband of all the reasons you married him. List them for him, and tell him these things as often as you can.

A "Dead" Heart

by Tracie Miles

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”
Psalm 51:12 (NIV)

Bible Passage: James 2:14-26

Real Life:
I had been on commitment-overload for the past few months. My obligations of being a wife and mother of three, serving in ministry, and volunteering in the community were starting to take a toll on me. For weeks I had felt discouraged and downtrodden, but I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong.

One morning my brother called, we chatted for a moment and then he wanted to tell me about a dream he had about me the night before. He explained that in his dream, I had somehow passed away, but apparently I was unaware that I was no longer with the living. I walked around smiling and laughing and even attended my own funeral, never once realizing that I was no longer alive. We laughed at such a silly dream (even though I secretly thought it was a little creepy).

I scurried about my chores at home and checked my email that day, all the while trying to put my brother’s disturbing dream out of my mind. Scanned my inbox, I noticed an email from my mother. She had forwarded me a story that had circulated the internet about an 87 year old woman who had decided to go to college.

Due to her vivacious love for life, the woman was asked to give a speech at the end of her first semester. As she concluded her speech, she provided three secrets to staying young, being happy and achieving success. The last secret caught my attention: Laugh and find humor every day, for there are so many people walking around who are dead and don’t even know it.

My heart skipped a beat. I read it again, and again. How odd to hear that analogy twice in one morning? Suddenly tears came to my eyes, and I immediately felt the need to go to the Lord in prayer. Now I knew why I felt discouraged lately. Although my body was alive, my heart was temporarily “dead.”

When was the last time I spent any quality time with my Lord? When was the last time I delved into reading God’s word and focused on sincere prayer? Although I had been going through the motions of my every day life, fulfilling all of my obligations and commitments, I felt dead inside. Empty. I had so many blessings, but I had lost the joy of my salvation as I allowed the busyness, frustrations, anger and resentments of life to affect the status of my heart. I thanked God for speaking to me through my family, first in a brother’s dream, then through a mother’s story.

Dear friend, is it possible that your heart is “dead” today? Have you been carrying around a heavy heart and have not understood why? Just as our heart yearns for a loved one who is far away, our soul innately yearns for Christ. If you are feeling empty and burdened, I encourage you to consider what you have been trying to fill your heart with. Have you been searching for joy in your job, your friends, material items, volunteer work, your spouse, etc.?

Those things will never quench the thirst that our soul has for God’s love. Ask Him to revive your heart today and focus on His grace and mercy, or invite Him into your heart for the first time and allow Him to fill that special place in you that is His alone.

Dear Lord, restore to me the joy of my salvation and bring back the strength and hope my heart once had. Cleanse my soul with your grace and mercy. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Home Sweet Home

MAKE YOUR HOME HIS REFUGE. Let your home be a haven where your husband can retreat from the stresses of life. Do your best to make it a pleasant environment.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


by Proverbs 31 Woman!
Bible Study passage: John 13:1-20

Something to think about:
- Who are people who have modeled a lifestyle of service for you?
- In what ways are ou serving others today?
- What gets in the way of servanthood for you?

Lessons for life:
When Jesus taught His disciples the true meaning of greatness, He taught with a towel and a basin. He washed their feet - the duty of a house servant.

We live in a competitive and self-aggrandizing world. Examples of humility, kindness, helpfulness, and caring for others first - servanthood - are hard to find.

Great is the reward, the sense of purpose, the self satisfaction of one who follows the Master's example.

Real life confessions:
Being an organized person, I'm almost always doing the Martha role: planning, preparing, cooking, setting up, and cleaning up for activities I am involved with. Most often, may it be affairs of family, friends coming together, or church ministry, I rarely take on a Mary role of mixing and mingling when there's a big "thing" coming.

Recently, christmas has taken over me. I had visitors coming to visit, relatives spending the holiday season with us. I have been cooking, cleaning and just doing about anything to keep the house in tip top shape. Often, I cannot help but feel the sourness when I see the kids and friends sit, laugh and just having a wonderful time while I am doing the dirty work around the house. "Why can't I be doing that instead of all this boring and hard work? I hear myself thinking." This negative feeling was painful, and I knew it grieved the Lord, for it grieved me as I see myself reacting in such an angry way.

In one of the dinners I have hosted at home, one guest came up to me and said, "I have enjoyed this Christmas dinner you have prepared for us. It's more than what a 5-star restaurant can offer. Thank you for sharing it with us."

I was reminded that God made me the way I am - a Martha .... and it is a blessing. People may not notice the details of a well-run event, but God does. He sees everything and rewards us out of our sincere motives to serve others.

And do you know what? I have found that I can still listen to another and speak words of friendship and encouragement while my hands are in the sink, washing dishes!

Thank you, God, for sending Jesus into my life and heart with the gift of salvation. Help me to honor that gift through service to others.

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